
The First International Ottawa Puppet Festival

Dates: 03-06 July, 2024

Venue: University of Ottawa, Academic Hall
135 Seraphin Marion Pvt.

Exciting News! Three multi awarded theatre groups are coming to perform in Ottawa! There is something for every age group to enjoy and experience something new.

Karagöz, Witches and Indian Fakir

Dates: 10 July | 8:00pm

Venue: Grindstone Theatre, Edmonton

The 600-year-old traditional Turkish puppetry show, Karagöz and Hacivat, is coming to Edmonton. The performance consists of three acts: a story about two friends, Karagöz and Hacivat, who get caught up in a feud between an engaged couple whose parents are witches, a juggling performance, and a marionette show! Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind cultural experience!



Garden of the Selfish Giant

Dates: 10 July | 5:30PM

Venue: Grindstone Theatre, Edmonton

Adapted from Oscar Wilde's book, "The Garden of the Selfish Giant" by Theatre Tempo was awarded "Best Children's Play" at the Kuralay International Festival in 2023 and has been reworked in Russian and Bulgarian. This perfomance is in Russian and English. This performance is recommended for audiences aged 3 and up.